Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Oh yeah...that's rockin'

Eyebrow quirked and face mid smirk
Revisiting my day
I start to muse, for I'm confused
At what's happened today

Nudity and lewdity
But nothing really sexual
Everything fit (oh, mind that bit,
It's in the wrong contextual)

All things were odd and yet, by god,
I'm not the least put out
I'm quite upbeat and shall retreat
To bed, without a doubt

Good night.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Swimming in it!

I am flipping through pictures online of people on the Theatre of Ted website along with the beautiful myriad of pictures on Mike's (Divalicious) blog and I was just swept away by how lucky and thankful I am to have met all the people I have in my 3 1/2 years of school. I was so lucky to have stumbled upon my L.P boys from the very beginning and I love them all so dearly, even Rico. (hee hee) All of my girlfriends I have met here have been there for me every step of the way. Even when certain issues got unbearably tiresome after awhile, they were patient, and loving, and just let me cry when I needed to. And I am convinced they are some of the most beautiful souls ever encountered. And then! There is my random friend who seriously dropped out of clear blue Mexican sky into my lap, and yelled "Tramp!" and I loved it. Out of nowhere, this awesome burst of energy and insults came into my life and I don't know what I would do without him. And I mustn't forget my Petri dish who swears that she would be a terrible mother. But she has been so caring and supportive of me throughout all my craziness in this past year, that I think she would be among some of the greatest mothers who have ever been. But she's getting a puppy instead, so that's cool too. And this is not to leave out my friends from home and far away either. New and old, short and tall, they have been essential in molding me into the crazy ball of Irish quirkiness you see before you. MAVEES!! :0)
I have just been so incredibly fortunate to have met all these people in my life and it's just unfathomable that I am not going to see them every day for the rest of my life. Anyway, I was just feeling very thankful and to all of my friends out there, old and new, thank you so much for being my heart and soul. I love you all so much.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Standing in your doorway
Light cloth tied
Loosely about my naked frame

I don't dare come closer into the room
But there's nothing I want more

I drop my shoulder and cock my hip
And the folded fabric slides
Dangerously low on my shoulder

And you see just enough to make you wonder
Make you want
Make you catch your breath
And pray it falls a little lower

Pressed up against the door frame
I feel my heart beating into the wall
And I swear you can hear it echo throughout the room
I wet my lips

Blink twice

And slowly walk away

And I'm kicking myself the entire time

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I am sitting here listening to the greatest mix CD ever known to man (if you want one, contact my roommate Adam) and I am smiling and it feels really good. I am getting things accomplished, I've taken up working out again and it seems like my body is happier too. I also acquired extraordinary luck in running into someone who needs a comedic female actor for his movie that he wants to put into Sundance. I am getting the script soon, and besides that, this guy is ridiculously good looking. I hope all of you out there, whether you read this or not, are having a wonderful time and if you're not, I hope you will be soon. Smile because good things are afoot!

Monday, February 07, 2005

We never really got along and I've never gotten in more angry or violent fights with anyone else in the world. I have never been meaner, nastier, or said shittier, biting, or more cutting things to anyone else than her. If I've admitted to being cruel, it's because of how I've treated her. She was my first fist fight and my first death threat. She's my sister. And I am not going to see her for two maybe three years. And I am completely at a loss.

I Understand Now...

Okay so we all laugh at those silly actor people getting botox, face-lifts, tummy tucks and chemical peels and say "That's so dumb. They're wasting their money. Blee blah bloof." And we chuckle at their vanity and stupidity.
......have you ever been on a camera? It picks up EVERY imperfection in your hair, your complexion, you all of a sudden have more chins than you remember having, and it adds at LEAST eight pounds to your body. Your face looks like you are storing butter in it. Unless you are one of those naturally flawless beauties that lucked out crazy style. I have never seriously considered a nose job until today. I have this bubble bubble toil and trouble giant tumor on my nose and I'm wondering if a football to the face would actually improve it. And on top of that, I did my makeup and hair today so I would ACTUALLY look good on camera for once, nada. Anyway, I'm done bitching. There's a bunch of guys on the quad playing football right now and I'm going to go ask them if I can play.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


I decided you can't be mad at a child who really doesn't know any better or care to. It's a waste of energy, dehydrating, and tends to make you break out. And I'm not wasting my complexion on a child.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Gettin a bit weary

You ever get really tired of going out of your way to be considerate of people's feelings just to be shat upon? I do whatever I can to make sure I don't leave anyone out or make anyone uncomfortable, unwanted, or just downright shitty and I am just appalled at the complete absence of those attempts in my direction. I mean, just how incon-fucking-siderate can people be!?! And I am tired of defending them!! "Oh he didn't even think of it, so I shouldn't be mad." "She didn't know how important that was to me, so I can't be mad that she didn't understand." "They've been really busy lately so I shouldn't feel bad." Seriously, fuck that. And I am not saying I am totally guiltless. I KNOW that at one time or another, I have made someone feel crappy, but I know for sure it was not intentional, that's why I try to be understanding when these things happen to me. But for fuck sake! All I can do is just smile and pretend nothing's wrong, and hope that the karma will come back to me in some way or another. I'm just afraid one of these days, I'm going to pop, and bitch is gonna have a black eye that goes down to her fucking toenails.