Friday, February 11, 2005

Swimming in it!

I am flipping through pictures online of people on the Theatre of Ted website along with the beautiful myriad of pictures on Mike's (Divalicious) blog and I was just swept away by how lucky and thankful I am to have met all the people I have in my 3 1/2 years of school. I was so lucky to have stumbled upon my L.P boys from the very beginning and I love them all so dearly, even Rico. (hee hee) All of my girlfriends I have met here have been there for me every step of the way. Even when certain issues got unbearably tiresome after awhile, they were patient, and loving, and just let me cry when I needed to. And I am convinced they are some of the most beautiful souls ever encountered. And then! There is my random friend who seriously dropped out of clear blue Mexican sky into my lap, and yelled "Tramp!" and I loved it. Out of nowhere, this awesome burst of energy and insults came into my life and I don't know what I would do without him. And I mustn't forget my Petri dish who swears that she would be a terrible mother. But she has been so caring and supportive of me throughout all my craziness in this past year, that I think she would be among some of the greatest mothers who have ever been. But she's getting a puppy instead, so that's cool too. And this is not to leave out my friends from home and far away either. New and old, short and tall, they have been essential in molding me into the crazy ball of Irish quirkiness you see before you. MAVEES!! :0)
I have just been so incredibly fortunate to have met all these people in my life and it's just unfathomable that I am not going to see them every day for the rest of my life. Anyway, I was just feeling very thankful and to all of my friends out there, old and new, thank you so much for being my heart and soul. I love you all so much.


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