On the up
Well I'm feeling a little better today. I wrote my mom (you could say a stressor in my life) a letter yesterday telling her essentially that I was pissed she was so absent from our lives growing up, and now has the audacity to lay on the guilt if we can't go to family functions, among other things. Felt pretty good. Very cathartic. I also got to play with some babies!! Lol, I went to my cousin's baby's christening yesterday. I got to see all the teeny tinies running around, and then I got to give them back! I love other people's kids. But it was nice, Luca (the christenee) is just about the most gorgeous baby boy I have ever met. He's completely tuned into what's going on around him, and so interested, and he's not even a year old and he's already got this sweet little personality going for him. I'm in love. I'm not super down with the whole christening/baptism thing, but I don't think it was our side of the family that pushed for it either. Her husband, who I do like a lot, he's a very nice guy, has this huge obnoxious italian family. This one woman who was there was a real piece of work. I think that if the bride of Frankenstein saw this woman's hair and makeup (not to mention collagen) she would've burst out laughing and walked away. At any rate, I just think it should be up to the person themselves to choose which religious path, if any, they would like to take. It shouldn't be forced upon then when they're too young to know what they want. Plus it really burns my ass that supposedly I need some vested self important blowhard to tell me that my child is acceptable in the eyes of the lord. It just sounds like horseshit all the way around.
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