Monday, January 05, 2009

Bout to lose my mind bitches!

I swear to God someone is going to feel it today. Whether it's the retards I work with, my completely clueless boyfriend, or if I can't take it out on them, I might just punch myself in the face. But someone is going to feel my fucking wrath today.
1. It is not my job to hide your fucking packages from your (one of 2 that i know of) boyfriend's mom because your spoiled ass has a shopping problem SO STOP ASKING.
2. When I say I need a little space, that means I would like it if you would crawl out at least 5 out of the 17 feet you've nestled up my ass. This is not an insane request.

I just can't believe people today. I'm about to go out of my damned mind. I don't think it's that unreasonable to ask for a single evening of keeping our respective spaces and going about our business separately.
And I just can't wait for the supremo moron to show up, let me fucking tell you.


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