Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Had a late night. Haha, well late for me anyway. In bed at 11 instead of 10. Went and saw Pineapple Express at the Brew and View! And way more awesome than ever expected. Was supposed to have seen Tropic Thunder too, but Mike was tired. Again. It makes me crazy sometimes. It's like, you only live once (and I only see my best friend once a week when Im lucky) can't you just suck it up and stick around for another hour and a half?? Admittedly, he works a hell of a lot harder than I do at my job, so less sleep for him is more of a detriment, but in the cab on the way home (the reason i left with him instead of staying, as i am dough-less) he says "I feel bad being like 'Oh I'm tired let's go.' " And I said something to the effect of if the shoe were on the food i would want blah blah blah. And I get back "Well I know you only get to see Laura once a week." .......... WELL IF YOU FEEL SO BAD ABOUT IT, WHY DIDN'T WE STAY?! Like make a decision and commit to it, wouldja? Don't make me feel guilty for leaving early when that's what you wanted to do, and I clearly didn't want to. It's just infuriating.
Man, I need to go home.


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