Sunday, October 31, 2004


So I had a crazy ass weekend. On friday my roommate/friend Doug and I last minute (his idea) dressed up as a white trash couple and went to this party. We were hilarious. He was wearing a brown hunters cap with a camouflage jacket and a gray wife beater stuffed with the PERFECT saggy gut and he scruffed his face up with makeup and we had matching blacked out teeth. My hair was swoop teased like something out of a cheap 80's whorehouse, huge silver hoop earrings, blue eyeshadow, thick black eyeliner, ho red lipstick, and a perfect 3 shade too dark makeup line along my jaw. I was garbed in a cutoff Harley Davidson shirt, daisy duke shorts, and high heeled sandals (I got the idea from a picture of Ento's mom).We made up names for ourselves but as we got drunker and drunker, they kept changing. It was absolutely hilarious. We had a total blast. Then on Saturday night I was the hangover fairy, and I was so excited cuz I was like "Look at creative artistic original me" And I would've been right, had I not designed makeup and hair that looked not unlike Slipknot/Kiss. So I just ate candy corn, smoked cigs, danced, and forgot all about it. BUT my roommates had great costumes this weekend. My dearest Adam was the PERFECT Pee Wee Herman, and night 2, doug and his friend amy dressed up as My Buddy and Kid Sister and they were awesome. And my roommate Laurie of the flowing red hair was a Greek goddess, even though she claims she was raped by Vikings. I know for a fact that Vikings don't like Greek, so I have to see if her story checks out. At any rate, it was a crazy ass weekend and I have plenty of ridiculous pictures to enjoy for years to come. If i don't burn them first. Gnight all you crazy people. Talk hard.

Friday, October 29, 2004


I just tried to publish a total f***ing entry and this mother f***er isn't working!

The Latest

So a while back I got a really bad tarot reading. Not bad like innacurate or laughable, but bad as in not an optimistic outlook. I took this with a grain of salt and was like "You know, it is an outlook and a guide to see where you could be, but shouldn't be taken completely seriously." Which was exceedingly difficult because the cards reflecting my past were "dead on balls accurate". Well then my world went on quite the rollercoaster. I ended up, without even thinking about the cards, fulfilling my prophecy. Some Oedipus Teiresias shit seriously. I committed some stupid, and equally crazy acts and everything just went all janky. But, I refuse to be anything but optimistic in the matter because in the grand scheme of things, I am still extremely lucky and blessed by my gifts and people around me. But here's the weird thing. I was not brought up in a religious background. Spiritual yes, but not religiuos. My mother refers to herself as a recovering catholic if that's any indication. We prayed before meals occasionally, but that was about it. But I have been feeling lately what I think is Catholic guilt. I have heard this phrase before but I am not entirely sure what it entails. I have been feeling like, although things are not too grand right now, I should be doing something to deserve all the wonderful things I have in my life. I don't want to be a leech on whatever type of world this is, and although I do help my friends and loved ones, and I do whatever I can for them, I do feel like I lead a pretty selfish existence. So I am unsure of what to do with myself as of right now. Can Catholic guilt seep into a generation that knows nothing of its dogma? Who knows.
At any rate, I am doing my best to work through certain issues of the wallet, spirit, conscience, and heart, and I am not doing too poorly at all I don't think. So I will go to bed with a smile on my face this evening and I hope the same for the rest of you. Sleep well babes!

Friday, October 22, 2004


Oh man, I have been in the bluest blue funk of my life! I feel like I am swirling around in a lava lamp. BUT TONIGHT is going to be a night of supreme debauchery. I absolutely refuse to have a bad time. It is the birthday party of my friends Deanna (she's such a ho) and my other friend Mike (the one who ISN'T a dirty wanna be artist). It is going to be such a blast! They are fantastic friends and I am really looking forward to this. Plus, my friend Megan is coming down and as she has interest in the nuts of Mike so I think she will have fun too. Hope I remember posting this cuz there are going to be a couple hundred funerals for my brain cells tonight! Love love love love love!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Feeling Awful

I just realized that I inadvertently really hurt someone very dear to my heart. It's weird how you feel ten times worse when you hurt someone when you don't even realize you're doing it. You would think that when you're aware of it you would feel worse because you know what you are doing. Anyway, he feels like he is not part of my world, in a sense, and he feels left out, which makes me feel even more horrible because there are few feelings worse in this world than feeling like you don't belong. But that's the thing! He is my ENTIRE world down here! In between all the crap and stupid acquaintences you wish you could un-acquaint with, and petty bullshit of life, there is always some rock that holds you down, and he is that for me. I think maybe I am not trying as hard to be that for him, and I feel even worse to think I have let him down in some way. I have realized in the past couple of days that I, with others, have been taking advantage of him, and probably more me than anyone. I need to fix this and fast.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ultimate Weekend

I can't believe how amazing this weekend was. First off, I found out that one of the sweetest most awesome guys I know thinks I am pretty awesome too and I got to spend a lot of awesome time with him. All night long. :0) I seriously can't keep my hands off him for the life of me. I love to touch and kiss him and literally all we do is laugh. So that was amazing. Then two of my roommates friends came to visit here and they KICKED ASS! Let it be known throughout space and time that Katie and Michelle (my partner in crime) are welcome at the humble abode anytime. They laughed at my little antics of drunkery and other things and they didn't kick me when I was passed out on the floor so they ruled. :0) My dad also came to visit me this past weekend and he and I had a ridiculously good time. After a couple hours of beers and vodka and dancing in the foam filled basement, the cops showed up at the party we were attending and my father took it upon himself to hassle the cops. I did not know this until a friend came up to me and said "Your dad is giving the cops a bunch of shit and hes a lil drunk. Could you come get him?" I about crapped my pants laughing. He and I listened to live jam music, shot the shit, and all my friends absolutely loved him (which didn't suprise me at all). I was so afraid he was going to chicken out and not come for various Dad reasons, but he did and it was seriously one of the best times I've ever had, and I KNOW he had a blast too. I totally needed this weekend and it unfolded beautifully. In other news, my Mike left for LA a bit ago and I just saw a picture of him and almost started to cry I miss him so much. I hope he is doing well and smiling as much as I am because that little burrito peddler deserves it. I am in wonderfully high spirits and I hope everyone else is too!