Hooooooooo boy
It is 2 days until my final Theatre History paper is due and approximately 5 until my African Theatre paper is due. I have started neither. But, at least I was drunk this whole week. GAH!
It is 2 days until my final Theatre History paper is due and approximately 5 until my African Theatre paper is due. I have started neither. But, at least I was drunk this whole week. GAH!
So my folks split up like 2 years ago and to make a long story short, holidays have been kind of a bitch ever since, so this Thanksgiving, I decided to stay at my apartment and my friend Deanna and I celebrated it up Greek style. It was AWESOME. We roasted a chicken all greek style with olive oil, lemon, and garlic, put the potatoes in the pan, feta cheese in the salad, (and ANCHOVIES! THANK GOD I FOUND SOMEONE ELSE WHO LIKES THEM!!) and we drank a whole huge $5 bottle of white zinfandel (one and a half liters i believe it was) throughout the whole process. So we got bombed, watched Drop Dead Gorgeous (funniest movie of all TIME), One Fine Day, and Ferris Buehler's Day Off. We topped it off with some Neopolitan ice cream and some water and I had a couple of aspirins to save my ass today. I had no idea that you could have a holiday that was completely stress free, and still have awesome food, and great company. Do you know how freakin stellar it is to spend a holiday COMPLETELY in your pajamas, no makeup, not being around anyone you don't want to be, and smoking as many cigs and drinking as many glasses of wine without someone having something to say about it? It RULES! I highly recommend it. Then, my daddy is coming today to see me, (and hopefully bring leftovers) so I am still going to be able to see him! EXCELLENT!! This Thanksgiving break has been absolutely amazing and I am just so relaxed and refreshed. It has been exactly what I needed and it has been all thanks to Adam Pumpkin Pants and Deanna Petri Dish Greeksonis. I love you guys! Whoops, time for AA.
Mike Adiva? I miss you and I'm coming to see your ass in the spring. Just you wait, Mike Adiva, just you wait.
Mmmm, I smell judgement. Smells like burritos.
So my dearest friend Adam turned 21 this past weekend and HOLY SHIT I have never been drunk for so many days in a row. And I don't mean drinking so many days, I mean piss-ass drunk. Friday was "Celebrate the Beginning of Thanksgiving Break Down A Flask of Tequila Day". BOMBED! And had a wee bit of fun with a certain Greek boy that makes me smile thinking about him. (Shush Petri :0) ) Then Saturday was "Go See Lindsay Sing at IBC and Drink Free Drinks Bought by Nice Boys Day" I danced and drunk myself into a royal stupor, and got very ill the next day because my body cannot accept vodka into its ecosystem. I tried to argue "Don't worry Body! I'm not paying for these drinks of pure evil! They're free!" but my stupid body wouldn't listen. Sunday was "Adam Turns 21 at Midnight Good God Am I Drinking Again Day" We took him to Foul Shots and got him absolutely blasted. He was hilarious. He was convinced his face fell off and everyone was just looking at his skull with pieces of flesh on it. Little gross, but so funny. He then decided we were going to lie on the soaking wet ground at 1am and pretend that it was summer, and that we were tanning. He was very angry with me when I only half sat on the ground (not wanting to get soaking wet) but soon forgot about it because I think a bird flew by or something. I was then sent with the Greek boy to go get a half bottle of vodka from his apartment, and as we were in his living room "talking politics"... belligerently drunk Adam bursts through the door screaming, "I don't care what you guys are doing in here! It is MY birthday and you need to come back to MY PARTY in MY APARTMENT!" He had apparently left our place, telling everyone he was going outside to smoke and ran all the way to where we were just to yell at me. He also told me later in the night that I was not to get any action because it was HIS birthday and he was going to puke later and it was my job to take care of him. Which I did, with the help of my good friend Deanna and the Greek boy. It was awesome. He had a good night and felt ok the next day, which was good. And I ended up walking the Greek boy home, and having a blast doing that. Adam was hilarious. I am glad you only turn 21 once, because I was lighting his cigarettes all night and pulling out his chair and pushing it in for him. It was hilariously fun, but never again. Ya hear me Adam? :0)
Then the next night was "My Body is Going to Die if I Drink Any More Oh Look I'm Drunk Again Day" Me, Adam, Deanna, and Adam's friends Wendy and Reuben hit the Bloomington bars which were DEAD on a Monday night. We had a nice quiet night and I ate nine dollars worth of La Bamba's at the end. Soooo good. Ha, we also hit the only gay bar in town, and of the 15 people there, I knew like 7 of them. It was awesome.
Anyway, I'm off to my AA meeting now, so I'm going to finish my coffee and Bailey's and say, Adam thanks for turning 21! This past weekend was a total blast and I love you so much! Deanna, thanks for the good company and all your help in the shopping, planning, cooking, and having a brother. You rule Petri, Love ya! :0)
Mama Drunk Cass Judgement
So I know that you hear the phrase "Why do bad things happen to good people?" and you're like "bad things happen to everyone, suck it up, deal with it, quit yer bitchin'" But seriously, like one of my best friends in the entire world has been totally fucked by petty crime lately. He was mugged over the summer, then his car was broken into less than a month ago, then again tonight. They stole all his CD's last time and this time they stole his $12 fishing pole that was in the back. Who are these fuckers? And why doesn't this shit happen to the yuppy who makes her waitress cry or the rude cell phone guy you see in every public place that pisses you off? And who fucking steals a fishing pole?!? I don't understand it at all. I am just really very angry and could start on a stabbing spree at any moment.
It seriously took mea way too long to type that title correctly. I am going to type slopw so you aweoseme people outa there can read this. Let it be known that FROM THIS DAY FORWARD AND ITNIL I GRARDUATE, I CASSIE V***** AM FUCKING CELIBATE! No more! TOo many headaches! Too much crying, too much fuciking bullshit. I am WAY too fuycking amazing to be wasting myself on ridicuolsousnessand goddammiet I am going to rock this last year at ISU and I am gnot going to fuck it up worring about "Does he lkike me, why didnt' he clahll, am I fuciknig knokced up, or what is wrongn with mne?" THER IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! I am beyond amazing and I am WAY too goddmaned fortunate with my gifrts and friends to be throwing away a goddamned second on someone who in the long run, won't vbe workth my goddamned time. I love you, those whho read this! I love those who dont! ANd I am fucking great and NOt diggin on crap. SO off I go to get crazy laid with no emotional atatchcment whatsoeverm and NOT call the guy rhe next day, or (the bettter option) to close the sexy gates that are my lkegs and just be THE BIGGEST FUCKING COCK TEAWSE I KNOW I CAN BE AND DRIVE THE MOTHA FUCKERS NUTS! FUCK YOU WOLRD!