That's it!
I am so fucking sick and tired of EVERYTHING!! I need to move the fuck out of this city, I need to go live by myself in some decrepit old cabin in the woods, and eat fucking groundhogs and grass until my eyes cross. I could just spit. And once again, leaving is just not a fucking option. I have a new job that does not permit as such, I have debts and a roommate that I need to attend to (although god forbid I think sometimes the only reason I live there is to fulfill the other half the rent, the way i'm spoken to sometimes). I'm so tired of it. I've got a dog that's barfing on everything I own (specifically the couch), my roommate apparently doesnt have enough faith in me as a person to look after a fucking belt, and the restaurant I work at gives such a small fuck about it's employees that we were served LITERALLY left over food, beer, and wine from past functions AT OUR OWN RESTAURANT!! And who fucking has a Christmas party on a Sunday night a month later!
Ugh, I could just fucking barf. And I am tickled fucking pink that this is never read by anyone anymore so I can turn off my filter completely (yes I have one).
I'm just disgusted. And insulted. And fed up. A lot.
I need to get out of this city. Move to New Orleans, or SanFrancisco. Anywhere but here.