Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Holy jeez

I am going to freaking blow up. Have you ever reached that level of sexual frustration where you think that if you see a hot guy, your pupils will dilate, you'll black out, and when you come to you're in federal prison, but you made the guy's lifetime? I'm just lucky there's an internet hookup in this cell.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Silly sick crazy sweet girl
Pigtails, ganja, and a shit eating grin
Half a cigarette burns in the tray
Half a heart cries a little
Yearns a little
Shakes it off and goes about its heart business
Of continuously arguing with the brain
Who welcomes the battle every time

Dancing dance dance
Swirling skirts flying
In colorful circlings
Sunshine turns her golden in her pirouettes
And sets her smile aflame in purest joy

Barefoot bunny
Big child
Grown up toddler
Just looking for laughs
And a roadsigh in the direction
Of the path she's supposed to take

Need to rush
Need to relax
So little time in the many years to come
Mustn't waste a minute

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Like a french dessert
LIfe is sweet
Life is rich
It surprises you

And though you may bite
Your tongue once in awhile
And your eyes tear up
And you could just
Stomp up and down cursing

You shake it off
And you pick life back up again
And savor it for
All of its experiences
Flooding your senses

I mean, you want to be part of the clean plate club don't you?