Thursday, August 26, 2004

Crazy Awesome

SO one of the greatest comedic actors I have ever known happens to be my friend Caitlin and I just found out she is going to be in a new movie about George Lucas' life. She is going to be a huge nerd apparently and she has lines and everything and I could just pee I am so happy for her. This girl is the shit and totally deserves this. I also had a good day. My math class I have been like obsessing over isn't that difficult and the teacher is the funniest old man ever. I don't know his real name, but I've named him Mr. Puddin' and I even wrote a poem about him. And I can't say I haven't thought about making a T-shirt that says "I Love Mr. Puddin'" He's hilarious! And old! A winning combination! Ok well Im hot and sweaty so I am ending this madness right now. Mr. Puddin' rules the school!


Blogger artistanaya said...

thats all great, but keep your shameless plugs off my artistic site!! For those of you who don't know it

August 30, 2004 at 12:45 AM  

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