Monday, August 02, 2004

Real Job?

So what is a real job? Can anyone tell me? Because in my opinion, if you work your ass off, sweat from exertion at least once during the time of your employment, or it stresses you out at least once, AND you get paid for it, that's a real job to me. So that includes all sorts of things, motherhood included. I was talking to a friend about how I was going to be getting a car and I was excited to have one so I could FINALLY go and get a job waitressing (because in the acting business, that's something you kind of need to know). And then she proceeds to say "Yay! A real job!"
Ahem...excuse me? McDumpster may not be the most glamorous of working establishments, but to say those employed there don't work (at least the ones that aren't lazy asses) is beyond fucking ignorant. Working in the food business is a damned stressful job, and pretty thankless on the whole. Plus the pay isn't that wonderful. For someone (who's current job is babysitting I might add) to sit back and tell me that the 40 hours I work a week isn't a real job is absolutely infuriating. I am not casting aspersions towards babysitting as a job either! It's work too, you are in charge of the safety and well being of young lives, and that is definitely a real job. But for the most part, it is definitely more of a breeze than food service. And although I do regard it as real work, I can't help thinking that working an 8 hour day, including a lunch rush in a hot establishment packed with people yelling orders and complaints, may be a tad more difficult than lying beside the pool watching the tykes.
I am fucking beside myself right now.


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