Thursday, August 12, 2004

Smiling inside and out

I had the most wonderful time this past coupla. I went and saw my sister graduate from boot camp for the United States Navy, I dyed my hair a color that I never have and it looks absolutely fantastic (at least in my opinion), and I have just had an absolute blast! The other night, I went out with my friend Mike and I don't think we stopped laughing the entire night. We got trashed and got a picture of us sipping beer with straws out of a pitcher like 2 kids in a Norman Rockwell painting, and just freakin went apeshit laughing. Then the Duke of Spain came up and started talking to us and we ended up hopping in his car and going to his place Yes Scripture. All night long. Anyway, long story short, he got my number, we all got trashed, and it was the best time I have had in a very long time. I wish I had been able to chill with him more over this summer, but his ass better be visiting so I can commandeer more of his time. (Hint hint) And now I am about to embark on a trip to Michigan to see my extended family, and I am very excited about that. I have found a monologue to work for my fall auditions, and it just seems that everything is falling into place and I am very grateful for it. Even though some Spaniard who kept calling my friend Doug "Diego" now has a way of contacting me. Stupid me! :0) At any rate, I love you Mike and thanks for a simply hilarious time in heaven on a June day!! All night long.


Blogger artistanaya said...

I have to say that I also had a blast ALL NIGHT LONG!!And that spanard...along with your hair.. was... hmmm...That was a choice! BRRRR ;) j/k NOw for a sameless plug! ;) thats right bitch!

August 12, 2004 at 8:07 PM  

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