Friday, August 20, 2004

Flim flam floo...optmism? no

Why can't people just let you cry? Why can't they just let you be upset? I don't want to hear how your life is so terrible. It's not that I don't care, and I am sure you're having a bad time too, but god damn! Don't tell me how horrible you're feeling while I'm in mid tears, because it's not going to make me feel better hearing about how so and so did this and DARED to say that blah blah flim flam floo. If something is bothering me to the point of tears, I WANT to deal with it, and I WANT to be sad for a little while. Don't try and cheer me up, especially with stories of how you aren't doing so good, because I want to be selfish and ONLY be sad about what is bothering me at that moment. And god dammit, that's okay! For fuck sake let me cry! I don't do it that often and I don't need you lousing it all up!!!! blows.


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