Tuesday, August 03, 2004


It's not fair!! It's twelve bojillion degrees out and me and my roommate decide we are going to go downstairs and have a cigarette on the front stoop. Then as we remember that there is a pool kitty korner to our apartment. we decide to go and dip and jump out of the neighbors' pool. I'm at the edge and testing the perfect space i could jump in when a nervous whisper comes from my roommate "Cassie!" And I look up and there is someone standing in the window very ominously. We book off running back to our apartment, which has, unfortunately, made us 20 million degrees hotter, and now I am off to soak in an icebath in our own humble abode which isn't as daring nor satisfying, but at least I will stop hallucinating an oasis in my living room. Why were those people home!?!? WHY?!?!!?


Blogger Laurie said...

We should get a pool loke that and put it in the apartment. Adam and Doug would be fine with it. ...Really.

August 7, 2004 at 10:52 PM  

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