Tuesday, August 24, 2004

What to do

Oh blogspot.
I have found you are utterly useless in a way. As I appreciate you publishing my thoughts for the enjoyment/entertainment/enlightenment of others, I can never really delve into the depths of how I am really feeling. My joy and my sadness will never really be completely tapped because I can't name names or events, for the fear of being too incriminating. I thought of using code names but that could also prove futile because I am not known for being subtle, and I think I would be found out just the same. Yet I will still use you to the best of my ability. I am not judging you Bloggie (do you mind if I call you Bloggie?) I just can never use you to your fullest potential and that is sad. But at any rate here goes another.

My father has said to me time and again that I can never expect out of others the same treatment that I bestow, because I will always be disappointed. I have been reluctant to adopt this philosophy, because it is not very optimistic and disheartening as well. But I am finding it truer and truer, and this is very sad to me. I have felt lately that I have lost my sense of magic and wonder, which has NEVER been a problem for me, as I like to think of myself as the oldest three year old in the known world. Call me conceited. :0) But as I am becoming more and more disappointed with some of the people around me, I can't help but think Pop is right. And if he is, that means that I would be a fool to become so close to anyone around me that I may start expecting them to treat me the same way I treat them. But then...the plot thickens. I start to question how I treat others around me. Perhaps I am delusional. I see myself as pretty darn friendly and glad to see and spend time with my friends and peers, but then I become focused on occurrences where I may have said or done something that would contradict that. And then I start obsessing on the fact that maybe those occurrences are not as few and far between as I think they are. Therefore, perhaps I am being treated the way I treat people, which I would really hate to think, because I really feel like I am being treated pretty crappy lately. Then I think I am a bi-polar hopeless neurotic with way too big of a vocabulary. Maybe that is the closest thing to reality. Maybe I am just a little too sad right now.


Blogger artistanaya said...

hmmmmm. I think you are in a just having a bad day and thinking way to much!! I think you are friendly with everyone, but the thing is you really don't like everyone, but you play the part well(more talking about the general public) However, even in life you are usaully nice to people you could careless for. I don't think you desevre to be treated like crap, but I do think it is ok to crap on people sometimes too! So stop over analizing life!! Your an actor, we are not normal people by far!! Crap happens!
I also want to address how you have been talking to bloggie, because he is always there for you. You don't have to hold back on him.
lave ya!

August 25, 2004 at 8:11 PM  

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