Friday, July 01, 2005

For Richer or Poorer

So I've been the one my entire life who's said things like "Oh, I love you, I want you to come to all of my weddings" or "I don't think I can ever get married. I don't think someone could stand me that long or vice versa." But today I went to a wedding joining two people I didn't even know in matrimony and (being the sap that I am) I cried. I always cry at weddings. I don't know if I myself ever could get married, but man is it a beautiful thing. Two people, beautifully attired, stand up before God and everyone and pronounce to the world that they are completely in love and want no one else in the world the rest of their lives, but each other. And all of their loved ones get to witness this proclamation and it's just incredible. The sheer love you see on their faces, the tears, the little things that go wrong that they giggle about. The crazy nervousness and shakiness, the shy smiles they share. That's the best part. They are two people who know each other so well, but up there, they are so shy and so excited that they can barely keep eye contact. The vows are what get me. "I love you so much, and come hell, high water, taxes, deaths, and God knows what all, I am going to stick with you, and no one but you, and I will do so gladly, with all the joy in my heart, and we will get through it."
I have the highest respect, admiration, and envy for those couples I see at weddings. Weddings are probably some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and I wish love, luck, and joy to all who enter into that union. It's just so incredible.


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August 11, 2005 at 3:28 PM  
Blogger artistanaya said...

LOL that is harsh!

September 4, 2005 at 2:09 AM  

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