Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The low down.

So here, now, withstanding is the content of my ramblings that I have an understanding maybe slightly underhanding where my life should be landing. The state I've been of late is some what similar to hate but with a slightly brighter fate, as I hate to exacerbate the exact volume of the weight that more than surely dissipates exactly how often i feel great. I've let my feelings feed upon how much I love and need. And if you've seen, we'd be agreed, on just how far I am indeed from the point where I am freed, and to where I must succeed. I may be nearly spent in the way I've chose to vent, but it doesn't even dent what's left inside this bent, broken down and obviously pent up vessel, supposed heaven sent, that feels if it paid rent, it would be charged only a cent.

I feel better. Love you all.


Blogger artistanaya said...

hey bebe!

Keep your chin up!


February 26, 2006 at 1:41 PM  

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