Wednesday, March 23, 2005


This has seriously been some of the greatest few of my life. I went down to New Orleans and had an absolutely ridiculous blast with my best friend, I am no longer working at McDumpster, and I haven't felt this stress free (even with all of the projects I have to do) in a lonnnnnnnnnng time. I wonder if it's because that diva moved away. HA! Kidding. You bitch.
New Orleans has the most AMAZING food on earth and everyone there treats you like you were their best friend from like high school and you just ran into them or something. It's incredible. I have to move there one day. It's just such a beautiful city and the smells, the music, the people, THE FOOD! It is the most amazing place I have ever been. I am so excited to get the pictures developed. Anyhoo, I hope everyone is having as good of a time as I am right now. If not, buy a vibrator. They make everything better.


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