Thursday, September 09, 2004


So I started today out by skipping my first class, contemplating skipping the second, but recognizing I would have to take the quiz that was in that class that I DIDN'T study for. So I went to my second class and left after I completed the quiz, and had a simply wonderful breakfast of pop-tarts, bagel and cream cheese, 2 bananas, 2 cartons of orange juice, 2 wee cans of V8, and an economy sized container of plain yogurt with strawberry stuff on top. I like to eat :-D I then popped back to the apartment where I promptly removed my uncomfortable articles of clothing and curled up with the book I am currently reading. I stayed that way for two hours, ignoring my final class for the day, took a quick cat nap, a wonderfully long shower (much to the chagrin of my other two roommates who had to shower, sorry guys!). Then as they say, the plot thickens. I decided this was much too good of a day to spend at work so I called them up and in an oscar winning voice similar to one who has contracted laryngitis, I sadly told them I would not be attending work that evening. They saw right through my plan and fired me. Ha! I wish. No, I was told I absolutely had to attend work this evening, at least for an hour. So from the hours of 10 until 11 I will, in my best oscar winning role ever of BIG FAT LIAR, be attending to the general pubic (yes pubic) of Illinois State Prostitutional. AND THEN my pretties, I will be off to the magical land of Foul Shots to eat drink and be merry with my favorite rogues and consorts. Ah twill be an evening of epic proportions. I suggest you all have a simply excellent evening, for I am in no mood to have otherwise, and will not tolerate it for others. Toodle pip!


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