Thursday, September 23, 2004

Seeing CATS and other travesties

So, I have to spend good hard earned money to see a performance of CATS so I can get a damned dance review for my Tap class. This is tragic. I plan on going so drunk that I won't even remember anything. Or just going to Braden that night and picking up a ticket stub off the floor to put on a paper of LIES!! Delicious lies of me not spending money on some dumb show with goofy dancing pooftah's in cat suits. I would personally rather get drunk and ramble about shriptreesing for money. Yeah you heard me. Well I am off to paint the world red, or at least sit on a can of red paint smoking a cigarette and wondering why dumb broads wear headbands as skirts to class. HAVE A LITTLE MYSTERY! COVER YOURSELF UP!! And I'm spent.


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